A website on writing genre fiction, including mystery, romance, fantasy, and young adult stories, among other things.
At my “day job,” most of my coworkers believe I am a lawyer, and I’ve had enough success at lawyering to keep my “real job” as a fiction writer pretty much hidden from view. But no longer. I have had enough success at writing that I am now going public. On the pages that follow, you can learn more about the stories I’ve written (long and short), and my other writings. More will be added (or removed) as I get organized.
My writing and this website are ongoing efforts, and I welcome your help, your thoughts, and your suggestions. If anything you see here sparks your interest, please let me know.
“‘The urge to edit other people’s writing is one of the strongest human urges.'” (unknown – please tell me who said this first.) It is so true. And please note my version of the semi-quote (“‘), which is to say I don’t know the exact quote and I’m paraphrasing. For more on the use of the semi-quote, read Greg Kochanski at: http://kochanski.org/gpk/research/misc/2008/Semi_Quote.html
“The trouble with the internet is you cannot always be sure that the information you find there will be accurate.” Abraham Lincoln (as related to me by friend Carl)
“Steven’s dry, quirky sense of humor entertains all who come in contact with him. Or maybe he’s not joking . . .” D.Dalrymple
Read on. Keep writing.